1. When we asked what do you think the biggest reward of parenting is the responses we got were when you see your baby for the first time after being so impatient for 9 months, and getting to watch your child grow.
2. The next question was what is the most challenging part of parenting they said, "It is difficult trying to show your kids you love them even when you are teaching them right and wrong and trying to be firm." and " When you have girls there is a lot of drama to deal with.
3. What advice would you share with a new parent?  " Give the children all the love you can, be patient, and don't sweat the little stuff.
4. We asked the parents if they could go back and start again would they change anything about their parenting styles one said " I would do it all the same because my children grew up in the way they should." the other said, " I would spend a lot more time with my children if i got to start over."
Q.) What is the biggest rewards of parenting?
Parent 1.) Watching your child grow and live a happy life.
Parent 2.) To see your child be successful in whatever they choose to do.

Q.) What is most challenging about parenting?
Parent 1.) The stress of not being able to do what you choose all the time.
Parent 2.) Never being too sure about what might happen at anytime.

Q.) What is the best advice you could share with a new parent?
Parent 1.) Never go in thinking it's something easy, because it's not.
Parent 2.) Everyone messes up, there is no such thing as a perfect parent. Just do the best you can with what your given.

Q.) If you could do it all over again, what would you change, if anything, about your parenting strategies?
Parent 1.) I wish I would have known the things I do now. Everything is a learning process.
Parent 2.) I wouldn't change a thing, other than maybe waiting longer to have kids. Maybe I could have been a little more ready for what was coming at me.
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